Download our “Using Bore Planning Software to Complete Airport Fiber Optic Project” Whitepaper
Installing underground utilities using horizontal directional drilling methods is becoming more challenging each year. As more utilities are installed in congested areas, risks of utility strikes and cross bores can increase. To help mitigate these risks, in many states, the Department of Transportation has begun to implement new regulations on utility contractors crossing state highways. In many states, contractors must obtain a permit for HDD projects that are greater than 2-in (5.1 cm) in diameter.
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A solid reputation for thorough planning is what won Pinnacle Construction & Directional Boring, Inc. of Charleston, South Carolina, the bid on a challenging fiber optic installation job at the Charleston International Airport. In total, the team bored more than 2,500-ft (762 m) of 2×4-in (5.1×10.2 cm) for power and fiber conduit at the airport. However, the most challenging shot was the 285-ft (86.9 m) long bore that started just outside of the airport and ended in the terminal’s basement — 12-ft (3.7 m) below grade through a 20-in (50.8 cm) hole located 48-in (120.9 cm) off the floor in the baggage handling area. To hit that hole, bore planning software was used to map the bore ahead of time, GPR to confirm locations under main terminal access road, GPS to plot the course and on-therig software to complete the bore successfully. The team also needed to use a professional surveyor and a vacuum service company to support the crew on this unique project.
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